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How To: Add Value to a Development as a Design Consultant

As a design consultant looking to add value to a development or differentiate your firm there are four main financial levers you can pull:
Increase revenue
Decrease expense
Increase efficiency
Compress schedule
In this post you will learn the basics of these four financial levers. If you are interested in going deeper on each lever, let me know in the comments!

Discounted Cash Flow

Have you ever heard the saying that “a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush?”
Said in a different way, something guaranteed is more valuable than the unknown, and something you have today is worth more than something you will get in the future. This principle also applies directly to the world of real estate development and investing.

What is the Capital Stack?

Have you ever been in an investment committee meeting and heard your VP of Acquisitions talking about things you didn’t understand? In the “Development Jargon” series I hope to demystify the language of development. If you have suggestions for future demystifications, let me know on twitter!