About Jed Byrne
Jed Byrne loves Raleigh, especially its people and places. He tries to engage with both on a daily basis. By day, he works as a Business Development Representative at a local engineering firm. By night he works on projects that connect his love for people and Raleigh.
Jed tweets about spaces and places at @Oakcitycre, and also creates and shares a weekly development newsletter through www.OakCityCRE.com. Additionally, he hosts the Dirt NC podcast, which is all about the places and spaces of North Carolina and the people who make them awesome. From time to time he also designs stickers and t-shirts.
He lives with his family in Raleigh and has been here since 2012.
Oak City CRE Mission
Over the next 5 years, Oak City CRE will inform and educate a whole Red Hat Amphitheater worth of people (~6,000) about property development on a regular basis, because everyone should have access to the knowledge and skills to participate in Raleigh’s growth.
The Team of One

Snail Mail Address:
Oak City CRE
3064 Wake Forest Road #1169
Raleigh, NC 27609
Become a Guest Author
If you are interested in collaborating with me at Oak City CRE, drop me a line!