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Oak City CRE is your resource for information and education about development in Raleigh, North Carolina.
My name is Jed and my favorite thing in the world is sparking conversations about the built environment. I have spent the last decade learning about and working in almost every facet of the land use industry.
To quickly get up to speed with the growth of Raleigh each week, subscribe to The Top Five my weekly email newsletter!

Recent Posts
If you have an A/E/C job that involves visiting clients and sites, like many people who read this blog, you probably have …
By definition, a community includes a multitude of people with a multitude of perspectives. When we discuss growth and development as a community it’s important to understand all of these perspectives. As we grow, there is no “right way” to grow, only a series of trade-offs we make together. Or apart. Because of the multitude of perspectives in our communities, these trade-offs won’t be evaluated in the same way, so I think discussion and awareness of the trade-offs we are making is critical.
If you are in the A/E/C industry one of the best investments you can make into your professional growth is to get involved in an industry or professional organization. This article includes a growing list of organizations covering all parts of the industry that you can join!
Local media is a fantastic way to stay up to speed with Raleigh development. Before a story goes to print, one of the many local journalists that cover our city has to discover, research, and write about each newsworthy story. If you are looking to get press coverage for a project, be a resource for the local journalists, get quoted as a market expert, or pitch ideas for stories that should be covered, this article is for you!